2022 has begun and what an interesting start to the year it has been. Six whole weeks of dancing in masks has not been easy but we got through it together. Apart from the masks we have had a relatively busy and productive term. All our students have been making significant progress in learning their new exercises, syllabus work and dances for the year ahead. A big thankyou has to go out to our new Acro teacher, Ms Kathleen, who has allowed not only our Acro classes to continue but thrive under her guidance. We look forward to seeing what you teach our Acro students next.
In the wake of the recent floods that devasted parts of both QLD and NSW, I would like to thank all our families that made a donation to a small dance school in Lismore. It is with great pride that I can announce we donated two large boxes filled with dance wear, shoes, colouring books, and goods to Sharp Dance in Lismore. After a small delay with postage (the post offices in Lismore went under in the floods), our boxes of donations were delivered and are currently being distributed to students throughout Lismore, both from Sharp Dance and other dance schools in the area. This may have only been a small gesture, but hopefully it will help to bring some joy to some little dances in Lismore.
Parent viewing week
Week 10 (28th March -2nd April) is parent viewing week for all dance classes. During this week I plan to show all students and parents their dance costume for the student’s first dance.
Goondiwindi Eisteddfod
The Goondiwindi Apex Eisteddfod will be held from Monday 1st August till Saturday 6th August with entries closing on Tuesday the 10th of May. There is a limited number of entrants allowed this year however I do intend to enter all Jazz, Contemporary and Tap age groups 6yrs and above into the Eisteddfod that are ready. The Eisteddfod is a great opportunity to demonstrate what students have learnt so far and gain experience being up on stage in front of a live audience. This is also a great experience to be able to work together in a team towards a goal. Dancing is very much a team sport and I would love for all to be involved, however, if you do not wish for your child to be a part of the Eisteddfod please let me know before the commencement of Term 2 so I can organise stage placing accordingly. I also have limited timeslots available for anyone interested in learning a solo or duo. Solos and duos require the students to be dedicated and practice at home as well as their private lessons. It normally takes around 4 x 1hr lessons for a student to successfully learn a solo or duo. Depending on a student’s own practice, more lessons may be required. Private lessons are $38.50 during weekdays and $55 on weekends. Term 2 Invoices/ Costumes I will be sending out invoices for Term 2 classes during the first week of term. These will be due 2 weeks from the date they are issued. When sending through payments please include the invoice number as a reference. This terms invoice will also include a fee for costumes for all students except (3-4yrs classes, 4-5yrs classes & RAD Ballet students). As each class will be doing two dances at the end of year show, there will be a separate costume for each dance. The fee on this invoice will be for ONE costume only (the costume needed for the Eisteddfod). The fee for the second costume will be included on the term 3 invoice to try and spread out the costs. I will be able to provide an estimate cost of costumes during week 10 this term. The cost of postage and international exchange rates makes it impossible for me to give an exact figure until time of purchase. There is also a lot of costume shortages this year with many of our regular costume companies having limited stock across their range. Please be aware this has led to some increases in costs. As always I will try to find affordable costumes but please be aware that this year in particular I have struggled to find costumes that are both affordable and available. Students in the 3-4yrs classes, 4-5yrs classes, RAD Ballet students & Acro students will only require one costume at this stage (they will still be doing two dances in the show) and therefore this costume fee will be included on the term 3 invoice.
The costume fee is only for the costume itself and does not include any tights, shoes etc that may be required with the costume. The purchasing of tights (ballet pinks, shinys) and shoes etc, is your own responsibility. This way if you already have the correct tights etc from previous years of dancing you do not have to buy more. The details of the correct shoes and tights etc for costumes will be provided at the start of term 2.
Costume sizing
Ensuring the correct size costumes are purchased for your child is incredibly important. As most costumes we get are from overseas, it is difficult to get an exchange and almost always incurs a postage return fee. To help make this process easier, myself and a few volunteers will be sizing all students for their costumes during their week 10 classes this term (parent viewing week). If you would rather size your child for their costumes yourself in your own time, simply send me an email this week and I can explain what measurements will be needed. Basing costume sizes off your child’s normal clothing sizes will lead to ill-fitting or the wrong size being purchased.
RAD Ballet exam information session
This year I would love to offer RAD Ballet exams to all students that are ready and meet the age requirements. In the first week of term 2, I will be holding an information session about RAD exams on Friday 22nd of April at 6:30pm for both parents and students to attend. This session aims to explain the Ballet exam process with information about; requirements, costs, attire and dates.
Comdance Tap and Jazz exam information session
Like our Ballet exams, I will be holding an information session for Comdance Jazz and Tap exams on Friday 29th of April at 6:30pm for both parents and students to attend. The week prior to this I will email all parents of students that I believe would be capable of completing their relevant dance exams and whom the information session would be most beneficial. Dance exams are not easy and are meant to be challenging and therefore require practice and time. Students must be able to perform all exercises before I allow them to sit the exam.
Comdance Workshops

A big thank-you to our brave Jazz students that came along to our Comdance Jazz workshops on Sunday the 6th and 13th of March. This zoom workshop saw dance schools across Australia come together to get a fast track learning experience of the Jazz dances for the Comdance exams. Although the students found the content challenging, I am so impressed with how determined our students were to keep trying no matter what. I am hoping that we will be able to do a similar Zoom workshop for our Tap students to learn their exam dances on May 15th. Keep an ear on for more information in the coming weeks.
Correct dance shoes & correct attire As we commence term 2, all students are to wear correct dance shoes, attire and hair-tired back off their face for each dance genre. I have given out many hair pins and ties this term to students to pull their hair back off their face. Loose fitting clothing is also not appropriate for dance classes and the activities students are doing. Graded RAD ballet students also require Black character shoes and skirts (I do have some skirts available to borrow) for the girls and lace up black character shoes for the boys. I have pictured these items below. Please email me if you have any questions at all.

Dance Uniforms / Hoodies If you haven’t heard yet we have a couple of new uniform items added to our stocks. We now have two navy blue leotard designs for our 6yrs + students and dance bags (limited stock). If you would like to try on any of our uniform items to purchase, simply send me a message or email and I can bring some things into classes for your student to try on. Also, remember that Winter is coming! So, grab your Lilly’s Dance Academy dance hoodie today for $46.20. Plenty of sizes available to fit everyone in the family. Just send me a message!

Please note that prices may differ for adult sizes.
Missed a note handed out in class or lost an email?
All notes, newsletters and important updates made throughout the year can always be found on our website. This way if you ever think you are missing out on some information you can look on our website to find the answers you need fast. Head to https://www.lillysdanceacademy.com.au/news-and-updates/ today.
Adult Ballet classes
Adult dance classes are still on with lots of Ballet every week to get yourself poised and balanced. Come along and bring your friends on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm. It’s a great way to work up a sweat while having a laugh. $10 cash paid on the day or purchase one of our 5 lesson passes for $45.
Public holidays
Reminder that on public holidays and pupil free days classes will still run as normal.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, I am more than happy to arrange a time to meet with you and talk (not during or in-between classes). Otherwise you can always send me through an email or give me a call.
Many thanks,