In light of the current health situation and the new government mandates, I would like to inform everyone of Lilly’s Dance Academy’s new Covid-19 policies ahead of the commencement of our dance year. These policies come directly from QLD Health and need to be followed in order for our dance school community to continue.
Start Date
Classes will still commence on Monday the 24th of January at Border Rivers Christian College as per our normal dance schedule.
All students over the age of 12years, parents, caregivers, volunteers and anyone entering the school property is to wear a mask. Masks must be worn by students when entering or leaving the facilities and can only be removed during strenuous exercise while inside the building. Children under 12 years do not need to wear a face mask.
Stop, Drop and Go
A strict stop, drop and go policy will be in place for parents and caregivers dropping their students at dance classes. As our dance classes operate within a school property which the QLD Government considers a ‘High-Risk Setting’, we, unfortunately, cannot have parents or caregivers waiting outside the dance class or at the playground facilities with their younger children while they wait for the lessons to finish. I understand that a stop, drop, and go policy will be difficult for some of our younger dance students for the first few weeks but it is important that this policy is maintained. Please walk your young student up to the dance classroom and then leave.
To make any new students feel more comfortable both with the dance space and myself before classes commence, I suggest you bring them along to the dance signup day on Monday the 17th of January between 3-5 pm. You will need to check in to the dance classroom using the QR code on the door and show proof of vaccination status to enter the building.
Vaccination status
If entering the dance studio space, for example, to attend the dance sign-up day/pop-up uniform shop, adult dance class or parent viewing week, you must check in using the QR code and show proof of vaccination status to enter the dance room. This includes any students over the age of 16years.
As always, if you have any concerns, questions or complaints please do not hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks,
Lillian Wadsworth, Miss Lilly