What is Comdance?
Comdance is one of the world’s great international dance societies and aims to raise the standard of dance in Australia. The primary objectives of Comdance is; Expression, Enjoyment, Encouragement and Education.
“The Society had its beginnings in 1933 with the formation of the National Examination System and the Victorian Society of Dancing. Established in 1931 and 1933 respectively, the two organisations were founded to establish Examination Standards and to raise the standard of dance in Australia. The later amalgamation of the two societies into the Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing consolidated the work of the two organisations into one democratic society which today occupies a unique position amongst the dance societies of the world, catering for all major forms of dance. In 2018 the society was renamed COMDANCE.”
Comdance covers a wide range of dance genre syllabuses but for our little dance school we have been focusing our attention on the Modern Jazz and Tap Syllabuses.
Comdance Exams
In the Exam Room
The examination format is almost identical to that of the RAD Ballet exams. Students enter the exams in groups of 4 or less and are numbered. Most exercises are either performed all together or in a cannon (one after the other). The students must also perform one solo dance. Students in exams must be able to demonstrate all exercise and the dance with no help. No teachers, additional students or parents are allowed into the examination room.
After the exam the students will be issued with an examination report. This may take many weeks to arrive.
Candidates who fail to attend the Examination at the appointed time will forfeit their examination fee.MODERN JAZZ SYLLABUS

Age requirements
The age applicable is the age of the candidate as of 1st of January of the year of the entry for the examination. There is no maximum age for the exams, only minimum age limits.

Uniform Requirements
Neatness of appearance will be taken into account with the allocation of marks. Light make-up may be worn. No jewellery for any Examination with exception of medical or religious bracelets. No sequins for studio-based exams.
Girls: Any colour leotard or waist length dance top (no bare midriff). Black or coloured tights must be worn over or under the leotard – tights may be full length, ¾ length or shorts. Unitard of any colour. Leotard and short skirt – any colour.
Boys: Black tights or straight-legged pants of any length. Any colour close fitting T-shirt (not singlet). Black or white (or black and white) tap shoes.
Each set of candidates should be similarly attired where possible. Each should have an identifying number. Your Lilly’s Dance Academy Leggings or shorts with your Leotard or boys dance T-shirt is perfect to wear!
Any Colour Tap shoes and any colour Jazz Shoes. No Jazz Sneakers allowed.
Progression of Grades
For both Jazz and Tap exams, the students may commence at any level appropriate to their age and ability level. After successful completion of their first exam the students must then complete the exams in order. Candidates must be successful at one level before progressing to the next. If a candidate is unsuccessful in any Examination, he/she must wait a period of three months before re-entering that Examination.
Location and Dates
I am hopeful to be able to hold the exams in our own studio in Gundy on a weekend in either August or September. This all depends on how many students are interested in taking part in the exams this year. If only a small number of students are interested in taking part in the Comdance exams, unfortunately the exams will not be possible this year. We have only just begun to introduce these new Tap and Jazz syllabuses into our classes and the work is difficult (particularly the dances). There are only a few students from each of our classes that I believe would be ready for these exams this year. If I do believe your child is ready for an exam, they may still require additional practice to work on the syllabus work outside normal class times (practice at home and possible private lessons).